It's Giving Tuesday!

From Our Family to Yours

We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend surrounded by the ones you love.

This year at the Hilinski home, we started a new tradition where we filled a Thanksgiving box with things we are thankful for, and next year we will open and read them - we would love to hear how you celebrated the holiday! We are grateful for each and every one of you, those who take the time to read our updates, listen to our stories, and remember Tyler alongside us.

Last week, we were overjoyed to see so many little ones wearing Hilinski’s Hope gear!

Thank you for being a community that shares your pictures and memories with us. Hilinski’s Hope is deeply committed to making mental health part of everyday conversations for all ages, and it gives us great hope to see a generation being raised to nurture their mental health.

Today is Giving Tuesday, and we’d be honored if you considered us in your end-of-year giving.

Through your donations, we are able to continue to meet with universities nationwide, provide quality mental health resourcesto student athletes, continue conversations with mental health experts, and create and maintain programs like College Football Mental Health Week. This is all possible through the support of our community.

As we move into December, it’s easy to get caught up in the shortened days, project deadlines, and upcoming travel schedules. We hope you take time for yourself, surround yourself with loved ones, and know that in the midst of the stress that you are deeply cared for. You are not alone.

With Love and Hope,
Mark and Kym Hilinski
and the Hilinski’s Hope Team


From our Family to Yours


Catch up with the Hilinski's and read about our October