College Football Mental Health Week launches SATURDAY!

It's almost here: College Football Mental Health Week 2021

We are humbled and grateful to be launching College Football Mental Health Week on Saturday alongside 61 colleges and universities across the country. Thank you to all of the participants who have joined us this year for mental health week, Oct 2-9. Read our press release here.

This mission has grown three fold since our inaugural year in 2020 - and has become a much bigger conversation than football. Teams from 33 states will be raising mental health awareness, providing resources and training, and initiating important conversations with their student-athletes. Across our partners, we have football, basketball, soccer, dance, cheer, volleyball, baseball, and other teams all showing up to declare that #MentalHealthMatters.

We will be busy throughout College Football Mental Health Week traveling for Tyler Talks, football games, and having virtual conversations. Follow along with our week!

  • Oct 2 - We'll be attending the Northwestern game at Nebraska

  • Oct 4 - Speaking at St. James High School in Montgomery, AL and meeting with Governor Kay Ivey to declare a statewide Mental Health Week in Alabama.

  • Oct 5 - As part of Pac-12 Mental Health Week, Kym and Mark will be speaking on a panel alongside our partners The Hidden Opponent and Dam Worth It

  • Oct 6 - Hilinski’s Hope and Prevention Strategies is hosting a Mental Health Training for all student-athletes at 5PM PDT / 8PM EST. This training will teach athletes about the signs of struggle, how to check in with their own mental health, and simple steps to help themselves and their teammates stay mentally healthy. Any athlete can join the conversation - click here to RSVP

  • Oct 9 - Being introduced during the UMass game (with a Tyler Talk to the athletes the following day!)

Want to get involved?

We encourage everyone to share their support online and in the stands! Check out our website to see sample social media posts and graphics you can use to show your support (we want to see it, so tag us @HilinskisHope!). Watch the story unfold throughout the week by following us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

As always, we are able to pursue our mission of fighting for the mental health of student-athletes because of people like you. Thank you for being a part of our support network and for helping us keep Tyler’s name alive. We want to keep College Football Mental Health Week free for participants, help us keep and grow this initiative by donating!

You can also donate by texting H3HOPE to 44321.

This year, more than ever, student-athlete mental health has been in the spotlight and while conversation around mental illness can be tough and even at times uncomfortable, it is absolutely critical for the overall health and well-being of our student-athletes. Throughout the last year, we’ve continued to see support from schools, fans, students and parents as they join us in the fight against mental illness and that is a major piece of the puzzle that will help destigmatize mental illness and increase mental health resources.

We miss Tyler every single day, but we are grateful to know that what we are doing is making a difference and that he would be proud of us.

You are not alone.

With Love and Hope,
Mark and Kym Hilinski, and The Hilinski Hope Team


A great kickoff to College Football Mental Health Week!


One month until College Football Mental Health Week